What file to import to use vbcrlf?


New Member
Ok this one seems easy enough, I want to run a replace on the vbcrlf but its spitting out that it doesn't recognize vbcrlf. Does anybody know what file I need to import for it to recognize this?hmm, i'm using vbCRLF in several places and never had to import anything specific. <BR><BR>Maybe try adding aspcompat=true in your page directive? <BR><BR>Otherwise, most of my pages have:<BR><BR><%@ import namespace="System.Data" %><BR><%@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %><BR><BR>But I doubt they have much to do with it. <BR><BR>Hth, <BR><BR>])ryyou don't need to import a file,<BR>Environment.NewLine<BR><BR>should work fine