What else can I do with HTML?


I'm taking a course in web developing and the question came up- What else, besides creating web pages, can HTML do?<br />
Is there anything it can be used for besides developing web pages?<br />
Thanks for your thoughts!<!--content-->HTML is a markup language, so it's not overly useful for anything besides web pages. It could, perhaps, be used for other things, but in that regard XML is much, much more useful.<!--content-->Well, I can only think of a few things:<br />
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1) You can make interactive documents for use locally.<br />
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2) You can make Software Documentation and Help Files.<br />
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3) You can make the stuff that goes on distributable cd's - when they autoload with an intro telling you more about the magazine or software or even resources for the book you just bought.<br />
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I hope these may be of some help, as I can't really think what the chap means...<!--content-->It can make use of hyperlinks and import objects via the <object> element but on its own HTML 4.01 is static.<!--content-->does anyone knowhow you would go about making help files using html, would you just create the files using html and link them using hyperlinks.?<br />
then how would you make them into a sort of help program??:confused:<!--content-->That depends thee are various ways, for example: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/xp/appndx/appa06.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/xp/ ... appa06.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->