what doyou think about referencing external websites from frames?


Hi,<br />
I'd like some general feedback on what people think of using frames to show a different website from inside your own. I'd like to have the T.V. programmes page of the local T.V. channel show inside an iframe on my web page. Do you think it is o.k. as far as web etiquttes are concerned to do that? -- I am of course going to clearly acknowledge that what the iframe is showing is their property, and provide a link to go to their page directly.<!--content-->from a user standpoint, i would rather have the extra space on the screen from the actual site you are linking to, rather than trying to preserve part of your site around their's and make a whole mess out of all that...<br />
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just do a "target=_blank" and that way your page will still be up, as well as the page you are linking to, with no one's content or layout being compromised<br />
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just my $0.02<!--content-->Why bother with target="_blank"? If I want to continue browsing your site, I'd rather use the back button of my browser.<br />
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"Please don't open a new window on my computer without a warning"<!--content-->Originally posted by nkaisare <br />
Why bother with target="_blank"? If I want to continue browsing your site, I'd rather use the back button of my browser.<br />
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"Please don't open a new window on my computer without a warning" <br />
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all about your preferences then right?<br />
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i'd rather have a new window open then take half a second to hit alt+f4 to close it than try and dig through my history via the back button (which is known to mess up pages such as forums, etc anyways)<br />
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in the end its all up to the person who designed the page, who might have a different preference than both of us...<!--content-->Its my preference as a user not a webdesigner to open pages in the same window. I usually have zillion programs running simulataneously and I dont like too many windows open on my desktop. Because target="_blank" does not give you (user) the choice. Without target="_blank", you have the choice to open the link in a new window.<br />
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On my personal website, all external links open a new window. As a user, I hate what I did as a designer.<br />
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :)<!--content-->i don't know what other browsers have a featrure like this, but in IE if you hold down "shift" while you click a link it opens in a new window too...<!--content-->