What does `.` in Xpath mean?


New Member
I met an Xpath like this:\[code\]from xml.etree import ElementTreewith open('podcasts.opml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f)for node in tree.findall('.//outline'): pass\[/code\]I know that \[code\]//\[/code\]means \[code\]any matches\[/code\], but what does the \[code\].\[/code\] before \[code\]//\[/code\] means? Does that mean \[code\]relative path\[/code\]? But what is the \[code\]current path\[/code\] in the codes? Is it the root path? Then could it be written as \[code\]///outline\[/code\]?