What do all these XML functions mean and how can I read the XML file?


New Member
I am coping with a little issue about reading XML data into my applications memory via a script that uses a plugin. I Only create the script because the application (SA-MP .com) is already made by someone else, the plugin which adds the scripting abilities to read the XML file has no documentation. Add to that the fact that I don't know how to work with XML (only using notepad). I am creating a script that will load the XML data, so I can use it.I have downloaded the package and there, also, is no documentation. The include file however contains coments, and ofcourse all available scripting natives:\[code\]/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is SA:MP XML plugin. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sergey "Zeex" Zolotaryov. * * All Rights Reserved. */enum e_XML_NODE_TYPE { e_XML_NODE_DOCUMENT, e_XML_NODE_ELEMENT, e_XML_NODE_COMMENT, e_XML_NODE_UNKNOWN, e_XML_NODE_TEXT, e_XML_NODE_DECLARATION, e_XML_NODE_TYPECOUNT};/** * Creates a new document. * * @param filename The file name that will be used on saving. * @param version The XML version (optional, defaults to "1.0"). * @param encoding Character encoding which appears in XML declaration. * * @returns Handle to document tree root node. */native XMLNode:XML_CreateDocument(const filename[], const version[] = "1.0", const encoding[] = "ISO-8859-1");/** * Loads a document from a file. * * @param filename Path to the file * * @returns Handle to the document tree root node. * * @see XML_SaveDocument * @see XML_UnloadDocument */native XMLNode:XML_LoadDocument(const filename[]);/** * Saves a document to a file. * * @param doc Handle to document root. * @param filename The file name (optional). * * @returns True on success, or false if failed. * * @see XML_LoadDocument * @see XML_UnloadDocument */native bool:XML_SaveDocument(XMLNode:doc, const filename[] = "");/** * Fully destroys a document (i.e. including all of its nodes) and frees memory. * * @param doc The document to be unloaded. * * @see XML_LoadDocument * @see XML_SaveDocument */native XML_UnloadDocument(XMLNode:doc);/** * Creates a new node and optionally makes it to be a child of another one. * * @param parent Parent node, use 0 to specify no parent. * @param value Node value. Defined as: * Document: filename of the xml file * Element: name of the element * Comment: the comment text * Unknown: the tag contents * Text: the text string * @param type Node type, can be either ELEMENT, COMMENT or TEXT. * * @returns Handle to the newely created node or 0 if failed. * * @see XML_DestroyNode */native XMLNode:XML_CreateNode(XMLNode:parent, const value[], e_XML_NODE_TYPE:type = e_XML_NODE_ELEMENT);/** * Deletes a specific child of a node and replaces it with a new one. * * @param parent The parent node. * @param oldChild The child to be replaced. * @param newChild The new child. * * @returns True on success, or false if failed. * * @see XML_ReplaceChild *///native bool:XML_ReplaceChild(XMLNode:parent, XMLNode:oldChild, XMLNode:newChild);/** * Removes a specific child of a node and deletes it from memory. * * @param parent The parent node. * @param child The child to be removed. * * @returns True on success, or false if failed. * * @see XML_ReplaceChild */native bool:XML_RemoveChild(XMLNode:parent, XMLNode:child);/** * Deletes selected node from memory. * * @param node The node to be destroyed. * * @see XML_CreateNode */native XML_DestroyNode(XMLNode:node);/** * Finds first child of a selected node by its value. * * @param node The node to get the child of. * @param value The value to be searched for (optional). * * @returns Child node hanle or 0 if not found. * * @see XML_GetLastChild */native XMLNode:XML_GetFirstChild(XMLNode:node, const value[] = "");/** * Finds first child of a selected node by its value. * * @param node The node to get the child of. * @param value The value to be searched for (optional). * * @returns Child node hanle or 0 if not found. * * @see XML_GetFirstChild */native XMLNode:XML_GetLastChild(XMLNode:node, const value[] = "");/** * Finds next sibling of a selected node by its value. * * @param node The node to find sibling of. * @param value The value to be searched for (optional). * * @returns Sibling handle of 0 if not found. * * @see XML_GetPreviousSibling */native XMLNode:XML_GetNextSibling(XMLNode:node, const value[] = "");/** * Finds previous sibling of a selected node by its value. * * @param node The node to find sibling of. * @param value The value to be searched for (optional). * * @returns Sibling handle of 0 if not found. * * @see XML_GetNextSibling */native XMLNode:XML_GetPreviousSibling(XMLNode:node, const value[] = "");/** Returns node parent. * * @param node The node. * * @returns Handle to the parent node or 0 if it has no parent. */native XMLNode:XML_GetParent(XMLNode:node);/** * Gets node value. * * @param node The node to get value of. * @param value An array which will hold the value. * @param maxlen Maximum value length. * * @see XML_SetValue */native XML_GetValue(XMLNode:node, value[], maxlen = sizeof(value));/** * Sets node value. * * @param node The node to set value of. * @param value The value to be set. Defined as: * Document: filename of the xml file * Element: name of the element * Comment: the comment text * Unknown: the tag contents * Text: the text string * * @see XML_GetValue */native XML_SetValue(XMLNode:node, const value[]);/** * Gets element attribute value. * * @param element The node to get attribute of (it should be an element node). * @param name Attribute name. * @param value Attribute value will be copied here. * @param maxlen Maximum value length. * * @see XML_SetAttribute * @see XML_RemoveAttribute */native XML_GetAttribute(XMLNode:element, const name[], value[], maxlen = sizeof(value));/** * Sets element attribute value. * * @param element The node to set attribute of (it should be an element node). * @param name Attribute name. * @param value Attribute value. * * @see XML_GetAttribute * @see XML_RemoveAttribute */native XML_SetAttribute(XMLNode:element, const name[], const value[]);/** * Removes selected attribute of an element. * * @param element The node (should be an element node). * @param name Attribute name. * * @see XML_GetAttribute * @see XML_SetAttribute */native XML_RemoveAttribute(XMLNode:element, const name[]);/** * Gets node type. * * @param node The node. * * @returns The type of the specified node. */native e_XML_NODE_TYPE:XML_GetNodeType(XMLNode:node);/** * Computes an integer XPath expression. * * @param root Handle to a source tree root. * @param xpath The XPath expression. * * @returns Expression value. */native XML_GetXPathInt(XMLNode:root, const xpath[]);/** * Computes a boolean XPath expression. * * @param root Handle to a source tree root. * @param xpath The XPath expression. * * @returns Expression value. */native bool:XML_GetXPathBool(XMLNode:root, const xpath[]);/** * Computes a float XPath expression. * * @param root Handle to a source tree root. * @param xpath The XPath expression. * * @returns Expression value. */native Float:XML_GetXPathFloat(XMLNode:root, const xpath[]);/** * Computes a string XPath expression. * * @param root Handle to a source tree root. * @param xpath The XPath expression. * * @returns Expression value. */native XML_GetXPathString(XMLNode:root, const xpath[], result[], maxlen = sizeof(result));/** * Computes a node XPath expression. * * @param root Handle to a source tree root. * @param xpath The XPath expression. * * @returns Expression value. */native XMLNode:XML_GetXPathNode(XMLNode:root, const xpath[]);/** * Computes an attribute XPath expression. * * @param root Handle to a source tree root. * @param xpath The XPath expression. * * @returns Expression value. */native XMLAttr:XML_GetXPathAttribute(XMLNode:root, const xpath[]);\[/code\]What I accomplished for now is this piece of code:\[code\]#include <a_samp>#include <xml>public OnScriptInit(){ //Load the document new XMLNode:xml = XML_LoadDocument("map.xml"); //Check if it's a valid document if (xml) { new buf[100]; // Get some data... //?? // Close when finished working XML_UnloadDocument(xml); } return 1;}\[/code\]The XML file I want to extract the data from looks like this:\[code\]<map edf:definitions="editor_main"> <object id="object (sw_bit_05) (1)" doublesided="true" model="11534" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="1834.8000488281" posY="-3525.1999511719" posZ="5.8000001907349" rotX="359.5" rotY="359.5" rotZ="14.74560546875"></object> <object id="object (sw_bit_08) (1)" doublesided="false" model="11536" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="1820.8000488281" posY="-3363.3999023438" posZ="-0.30000001192093" rotX="0.75" rotY="359.74996948242" rotZ="86.003265380859"></object> <object id="object (CEnwhiltest3) (1)" doublesided="false" model="13703" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="1852.4000244141" posY="-3630.6999511719" posZ="36.299999237061" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="84"></object> <object id="object (Lae2_roads07) (2)" doublesided="false" model="17602" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="1942.5" posY="-3411" posZ="20.700000762939" rotX="359.25256347656" rotY="4.7503967285156" rotZ="88.062103271484"></object> <object id="object (Lae2_roads07) (3)" doublesided="false" model="17602" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="1952.8000488281" posY="-3314.8999023438" posZ="13.10000038147" rotX="4.4992980957031" rotY="1.0030822753906" rotZ="175.67132568359"></object> <object id="object (vgsSairportland14) (1)" doublesided="false" model="8357" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="1510.5" posY="1216.3000488281" posZ="9.8000001907349" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"></object></map>\[/code\]What function would I need to use to get all the data? And if you can, any examples on how I need to use the functions?The scripting language is PAWN.If anyone wants the plugin I am using, here it is:http://code.google.com/p/samp-xml/source/browse/trunk/