What are some active PHP frameworks with good documentation?


New Member
I've been searching for a framework for the past couple weeks and I must say it's not bee very good.So far I've tried
  • Code Igniter
  • Kohana
  • Dingo
Looked at (started to try)
  • Symphony
  • Yii
and read up on many others but I can't seem to find one that I find usable.Usable for me being simplistic in the CI and Kohana sense, i.e more minimalist. The listed frameworks are those I like but I can't get a feel for Yii and Symphony.CI feels a little verbose especially when compared to Dingo but both Dingo and Kohana and underdocumented which is a majour turnoff.From what I can see out there, the frameworks that people like to recommend are not well documented, e.g picking on Kohana, the available documentation is totally useless because it's not for the latest release it just leave the feeling that people don't actually use these things.Some that looked good but dead or will likely die:
  • Recess
  • Not sure What's hapenning with Doo
So to the main question: What are some PHP frameworks that are well documented, lightweight(No Cake, Zend) and that people actually use?