what about sub-domain


Staff member
i've website n i want to create a another webpage now plz tell me how can i create sub domain n wht is its charge.

information of my server

General account information:
Hosting package Forums
Shared Ip Address
Subdomains 0 / 90
Parked Domains 0 / 0
Addon Domains 0 / 0
MySQL Databases 2 / 90
Postgresql Databases 0 / 90
Disk usage 254.97 Megabytes
SQL Disk usage 10.29 Megabytes
Disk space available 245.03 Megabytes
Bandwidth usage (current month) 407.48 Megabytes
Email Accounts 0 / 90
Email Forwarders 0
Auto-responders 0
Mailing Lists 0 / 90
Email filters 0
Ftp Accounts 0 / 90

General server information:
Operating system Linux
Service Status Click to View
Kernel version
Machine Type i686
Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
PERL version 5.8.7
Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Installed Perl Modules Click to View
PHP version 4.4.3
MySQL version 4.1.21-standard
cPanel Build 10.8.2-RELEASE 119