Welcome to my XSL site


New Member
Welcome to my XSL site (in Russian)I recently constructed a personal pages _totally_ designed on XML/XSLtechnology. (not HTML except the first page)They are called X-style and have the next URL: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bim.f2s.com/The">http://www.bim.f2s.com/The</a><!-- m --> site can be viewed in Microsoft Explorer 5, but it's on Russian mainly.There are tutorials and texts about XSL/XML.Then I welcome visitors and would be very appreciatedfor any criticsBest wishesAndy T.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Borghttp://www.bim.f2s.com/">Borghttp://www.bim.f2s.com/</a><!-- m -->