Welcome Thread with VB Options


New Member
FROM AmyKhar
"This little mod will start a new thread in the forum of your choice when somebody registers.

The thread message is contained in a template, and easily customizeable on your part.

This version posts the thread when the user registers - but before he activates his email address."

You can set the ForumID, UserID and Username in VBoptions

on register it sends the Thread to moderations so you can customize it.

I'll be adding a second release soon with that functionality removed.

Thanks to AmyKhar for the original hack and Nick for his excellent debugging skills and intuitive coding.

Co-Author Nick of VBnova


New Member

I've installed this MOD on 3.7.4 and it's working fine but I've two questions

How Can I disable the thread moderation function?

Is there any other MOD that can creat the thread with the name of the new member instead of the admin member ((I put the admin name on the Welcome Thread))?
