WEIRD: Text Appearing Blurry/Smudged


I have a weird problem with one particular web page. The problem does not occur on any computer I have access to, but the problem is seen by a few other people who told me about it. So if you view the page it may look fine. But you may know about this problem, and I hope someone can help me fix it.<br />
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The text on the site appears blurry or smudged. I cannot figure out for the life of me what is wrong, as everything looks fine on my end. A few others see smudged text.<br />
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Here is the web page in question:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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And attached to this message is the smudged effect which some are seeing.<br />
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What is causing this? How can it be prevented? What can I do to fix this.<br />
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Thanx,<br />
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R.A.H.<!--content-->Wow! That is weird..although I have not experienced that when I viewed the site but I have encountered something similar on a few sites...sometimes it is corrected by bringing the page down to the taskbar than bringing it back.<br />
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But since I use Internet doesn't always encounter the same glitches.<br />
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I am not that good wuth coding and all but when I looked over the source code, I didn't readily see anything amiss.<!--content-->