Ok, to begin, I am viewing this through Mozilla Firefox 1024-768
for some reason, some of the time randomly, the first menu item under the second category "clans" will appear a space below where it should be appearing.
here is the website for you guys to check it to see if it happens to you:
(happens randomly on any of the pages at this site cept dome site)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://omc.sureo.com/">http://omc.sureo.com/</a><!-- m -->
here are the images of the thing thats happening to me:
this is the problem:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/mcerror.jpg">http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/mcerror.jpg</a><!-- m -->
this is how it SHOULD look, and it sometimes/usually does
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/right.jpg">http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/right.jpg</a><!-- m -->
I have NO IDEA whats goin on here, PLEASE HELP!
It might be a problem with the list html im usin!OH MY GOD!:
here im having similar problems
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://msn.sureo.com/clanomk/">http://msn.sureo.com/clanomk/</a><!-- m -->
#1- the last menu item (diplomatics) sometimes appears a space lower randomly like the problem above!
#2- on the "combat us" page, the form height changes or something as u press submit or reset!
I REALLY NEED HELP THANKS!http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A//omc.sureo.com/gochat.phpok, i understand the error with using the br there
i made it 2 separate lists
i fixed that but its STILL having that weird text problem...!!!!
ok: im not sure what im supposed to do with the div id cont_c
that id is the identifier for each content box, which are identical on the outside...
im not allowed to use it more than once to have separate boxes...
-what am i supposed to do instead
ok, i get it: i cant use <p> inside of <span> s...how do i fix that to get the same result!
thanks so much for helping me i understand my list mistake.
FYI: THE MENU TXT PROBLEM AND THE FORM MOVING PROBLEM AT THE OPTICAL MOUSE KILLER WEBSITE ARE ONLY OCCURING IN FIREFOX....anyways to fix that? - i really wanna fix this text retardednessok: im not sure what im supposed to do with the div id cont_cAn ID can only be used once on a page. For multiple use you need a class.
ok, i get it: i cant use <p> inside of <span> s...how do i fix that to get the same result!Your mark up is totally non-sensical. "Chat Rules" is a heading and should be marked up that way. It's a heading for an unordered list of rules. Mark them up that way.
<h2>Chat Rules</h2>
<li>a rule...</li>
<li>a rule...</li>
<li>a rule...</li>
<li>a rule...</li>
</ul>ok, but what if i wanna type a <p> paragraph inside the span...
also, i still dont understand how i get the same effect as the div using a class
weird, the problem where the txt appeared below the correct place:
that finally stopped happening, but i didnt change anything...guess a comp restart was the trick
still dont understand what im supposed to do to stop using the reapeated divs for the center content boxes. what am i applying a class to?You redefine #whatever to .whatever and use class= instead of div=. You can't put a <p> inside a <span> because you can't put a block element inside an inline element. Your markup is wrong because the whole point of HTML is to mark up a document in a semantically correct way. You then use CSS to make the page look like you want it to.hmmmm, here:
the left menu txt problem is still occuring...only in firefox...any ideas? is it just my computer?
in the combat us page, the form moves when u hit the submit button!
why is that!
that lft menu text problem is occuring there with me as well...
also, how would i create that form using css?
thanks ray your helpin me a lot!the left menu txt problem is still occuring...only in firefox...any ideas?I'm not seeing it in my FF.
in the combat us page, the form moves when u hit the submit button!
why is that!Probably the nonsensical HTML and the form (block) inside a span (inline).
also, how would i create that form using css?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/examples/exampleitem/tableless_forms/">http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/examp ... ess_forms/</a><!-- m -->
for some reason, some of the time randomly, the first menu item under the second category "clans" will appear a space below where it should be appearing.
here is the website for you guys to check it to see if it happens to you:
(happens randomly on any of the pages at this site cept dome site)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://omc.sureo.com/">http://omc.sureo.com/</a><!-- m -->
here are the images of the thing thats happening to me:
this is the problem:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/mcerror.jpg">http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/mcerror.jpg</a><!-- m -->
this is how it SHOULD look, and it sometimes/usually does
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/right.jpg">http://www.geocities.com/nodaimg/right.jpg</a><!-- m -->
I have NO IDEA whats goin on here, PLEASE HELP!
It might be a problem with the list html im usin!OH MY GOD!:
here im having similar problems
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://msn.sureo.com/clanomk/">http://msn.sureo.com/clanomk/</a><!-- m -->
#1- the last menu item (diplomatics) sometimes appears a space lower randomly like the problem above!
#2- on the "combat us" page, the form height changes or something as u press submit or reset!
I REALLY NEED HELP THANKS!http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A//omc.sureo.com/gochat.phpok, i understand the error with using the br there
i made it 2 separate lists
i fixed that but its STILL having that weird text problem...!!!!
ok: im not sure what im supposed to do with the div id cont_c
that id is the identifier for each content box, which are identical on the outside...
im not allowed to use it more than once to have separate boxes...
-what am i supposed to do instead

ok, i get it: i cant use <p> inside of <span> s...how do i fix that to get the same result!
thanks so much for helping me i understand my list mistake.
FYI: THE MENU TXT PROBLEM AND THE FORM MOVING PROBLEM AT THE OPTICAL MOUSE KILLER WEBSITE ARE ONLY OCCURING IN FIREFOX....anyways to fix that? - i really wanna fix this text retardednessok: im not sure what im supposed to do with the div id cont_cAn ID can only be used once on a page. For multiple use you need a class.
ok, i get it: i cant use <p> inside of <span> s...how do i fix that to get the same result!Your mark up is totally non-sensical. "Chat Rules" is a heading and should be marked up that way. It's a heading for an unordered list of rules. Mark them up that way.
<h2>Chat Rules</h2>
<li>a rule...</li>
<li>a rule...</li>
<li>a rule...</li>
<li>a rule...</li>
</ul>ok, but what if i wanna type a <p> paragraph inside the span...
also, i still dont understand how i get the same effect as the div using a class

that finally stopped happening, but i didnt change anything...guess a comp restart was the trick
still dont understand what im supposed to do to stop using the reapeated divs for the center content boxes. what am i applying a class to?You redefine #whatever to .whatever and use class= instead of div=. You can't put a <p> inside a <span> because you can't put a block element inside an inline element. Your markup is wrong because the whole point of HTML is to mark up a document in a semantically correct way. You then use CSS to make the page look like you want it to.hmmmm, here:
the left menu txt problem is still occuring...only in firefox...any ideas? is it just my computer?
in the combat us page, the form moves when u hit the submit button!
why is that!
that lft menu text problem is occuring there with me as well...
also, how would i create that form using css?
thanks ray your helpin me a lot!the left menu txt problem is still occuring...only in firefox...any ideas?I'm not seeing it in my FF.
in the combat us page, the form moves when u hit the submit button!
why is that!Probably the nonsensical HTML and the form (block) inside a span (inline).
also, how would i create that form using css?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/examples/exampleitem/tableless_forms/">http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/examp ... ess_forms/</a><!-- m -->