Weird Overlap of Elements in iOS (PhoneGap)


New Member
I'm working on an iOS/PhoneGap project. I have a weird overlap issue in iOS (screenshot from iPad):
The "Select Status" popover is \[code\]position: absolute, z-index: 35\[/code\]. The website link is doesn't have a position specified (so \[code\]static\[/code\]) and no z-index specified.It makes no matter if the address link is random text with no link, or a link (as captured), it still happens.Here's what it looks like in Chrome (as expected) (taken on a retina Mac, so it's huge):
I have tried tweaking the z-indexes all day long in Safari's console on the iPad with no effect. It does not seem to be a "simple" z-index issue. So please don't just say "adjust z-index."[edit] To be specific, I have tried setting the \[code\]z-index\[/code\] of the popover to \[code\]5000\[/code\] and the web address to \[code\]-10\[/code\] (giving it several different \[code\]position\[/code\]s), and I have checked every ancestor of both elements to make sure none of them have \[code\]z-index\[/code\]es (and they didn't). I even tried giving a couple of the ancestors of the popover \[code\]position\[/code\]s and \[code\]z-index\[/code\]es. Nothing ever changed. (And lest it is brought up, I did try changing \[code\]color\[/code\]s and stuff, just to make sure my changes were making it to the page.)Thanks.