New Member
Morning all,I'm fixing errors in a website and escaping a URL using lightbox prarameters is proving to be an heck of a task ... already tried it all but don't seem to be able to catch this one ...And W3 Validator gives me this (the validator perceives the &, [ and ] chars):\[code\] Error Line 130, Column 222: Bad value processa-watermark.php?id=TDJodmJXVXZhbUp0TDNCMVlteHBZMTlvZEcxc0wybHRZV2RsY3k5amIyNTBaWFZrYjNNdlNHVnlZbUZ5YVc4d015NXFjR2M9&lightbox[iframe]=true&lightbox[force]=image for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query component.