Weird Graphic division in IE


Hi All-<br />
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I have noticed a bizarre thing that happens to some of my pages in IE. For no apparent reason, a small break appears between table rows causing a line to appear on the page (usually no more than one pixel in height). This doesn't occur in Netscape, and disappears in IE upon refresh. This also goes away when I click away from the browser to another application then click back (not even bothering to refresh)<br />
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When I scroll past the funky little break it also goes away . . .<br />
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It doesn't seem to be a coding issue as I have vspace and hspace set to zero in all images . . . and as I said before, doesn't happen at all in Netscape.<br />
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If anyone has experienced this mysterious line too . . . or has any ideas what causes it and how to make it go away, I would be eteranally grateful.<br />
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-beth<!--content-->take out vspace and hspace. those have been known to cause problems.<!--content-->Does the same thing with or without them.<br />
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The other weird thing is that it doesn't do it on all machines. I don't have a complete test lab, so I haven't been able to test it in older operating systems and browsers, but I have noticed that it seems to happen in Win2K most often -- and not at all in 98 or NT. . . . running the exact same browser.<!--content-->do you have a link for us to test?<!--content--><br />
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but I have seen this on several sites, and it is never anything that happens 100% of the time. It is pretty darn consistent in IE with Win 2K though.<br />
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thanks,<br />
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beth<!--content-->My theory is that this is a rendering thing and it happens occasionally in IE on a win 2K machine.<br />
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Has anyone heard of such a thing. I had it happen yesterday when I was browsing the W3C site on the index page -- one moment it all came up fine, but then I scrolled down and back up, and there was a break that ran the width of the page. Again, refresh resolved it, as did clicking away and clicking back.<br />
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Has anyone else seen this weirdness or am I going nuts? I need to know becuase I have been tasked with making it "go away"<br />
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I am not sure why it's there in the first place . . . and saying "go away" isn't working.<br />
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thanks for the help.<br />
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-b<!--content-->I've been running win2k for a while now, and can not see your problem. I have cycled through IE 5.0/ 5.5/ 6.0 and have not encountered this issue.<!--content-->Figures --<br />
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It shows up every time on my boss's machine . . . *sigh*<br />
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Thanks for trying.<br />
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