Weird "bug" ?


Hey all,
I have a problem I believe is related to ASP, but I am not sure. Our website runs off 1 file, default.asp, and serves up different pages based on the query string. Now, sometimes, when clicking a link from an outside source like an EMail, the query string is totally ignored and the homepage is served instead of the desired link. It appears to only happen when my browser is already closed and it needs to load a new instance. Happens in both FireFox and IE, which is why I think it has to do with our ASP.

We do have a line early in default.asp that states if Request.QueryString("PageNo") = "" Then redirect to default.asp?PageNo=DEFAULT. This would appear to be the segment of code that is running, but it shouldn't because PageNo should be a valid, populated variable.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!hover over the link and see if it has that part.It definitely does. Most of this happens with links in emails. We use Outlook 97, but I have verified that it happens with newer Outlook versions as well. The closest experience of someone else having this problem I found is here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 26553.html</a><!-- m -->). About 2/5 down WaterBug states that it happens when a new session is started, which coincides with my findings. Unfortunately our session_onStart method has no connections to the URL, or Query String, or anything like that.Upload the files bout the Global.asa and file that this is occuring on. I will attempt to look further but just as the other thread on the other site you did provide the global.asa file. What they suggested is the global.asa file is doing something before the ASP page and re-directing or something.