Weekly Domain Name Guides


New Member
Hey everyone

Wanted to let everyone know that new email guides to selling domains are being sent out, every week. These are only sent to members of DomainSocial .com. You will need to register there and 'allow emails from administrators' (which I think is the default option).

The last email was about the difference between domain name registrars.

The first article is now publically viewable here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.domainsocial.com/domain-discussion/328-article-1-choosing-domain-name-registrar.html">http://www.domainsocial.com/domain-disc ... strar.html</a><!-- m -->

Link to site is just <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.domainsocial.com/">http://www.domainsocial.com/</a><!-- m -->

Link for registration is:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.domainsocial.com/register.php">http://www.domainsocial.com/register.php</a><!-- m -->

Hope that helps ;)