Website Title/Domain Name


Staff member
Ello once again, everyone! I have decided to heed the constant warnings about angelfire and geocities. I've already found a great web host that I've used before, including everything that I need/want. The only sticking point is... a domain name. So, I just wanted to know if I could petition the nice people at these boards to assist me? I've spent the past 3 days head-smacking, domain-typing, and Whois Checking[URL]. But it seems like every good name on the internet is take!! :(

So if any of you are still reading, allow me to include a small description of what my website will consist of. If I had to describe this "Website-X"©, I would label it a personal website. First and formost, I will be using mein website to continue creating/testing new PHP-MySQL scripts, test new layouts/design techniques... you get the picture. My website will also serve as a (smallish) archive of my (very short) writings & such. I may even decide to write a blog script or some such thing. Pretty much the standard personal website, right?

But I need a NAME!! A NAME!!! Now while I could, and many people do do this, simply use my name as a domain name, mein last name contains too many vowels for people to spell correctly, apparantly. Besides that, I'm not too comfortable with broadcasting my full name across the internet (I'm a city kid; can't understand how ruralites leave their doors unlocked). So I need something creative. Hence, I'm clueless about it all. So if any of you ingenious-type people would like to offer a helping hand, I would eternally enslave myself to you. Actually, make it a day, eternity is a bit long. Many Thanks for any help, if any...

-Mr. Bob