Website schedule component based on location


New Member
My company offers a service in which we go to our customers location to perform our service. To automate the process, customers will go to our website and schedule a day on which they would like the service performed. On the back end, We will have several different predefined geographic areas of town defined, and will service these defined areas on specific days of the month. Example...on day 1 we will service area 1, day 2 - 5 we will service area 2, and so on. This will help ensure that on each day we are being efficient by servicing customers that are all close to each other. I need a way to allow the customer to enter an address for service, and based on that address have a map that would show that address and confirm it is in one of our defined areas (maybe using Google Maps API), and then offer a calendar in which only the days we will be in that area will be clickable or selectable up to 30 days in advance.Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.