website in pop-up window


Staff member
I don't want people to be able to resize my website. To do this I am trying to have the site load in a pop-up window from the splash screen. This is my html. <div align="center"><a href="#"onclick="'file://localhost/Users/catalyst/Desktop/newweb/catalyst.html','','width=750,height=550,scrollbars=no','reflect=false', 'resize=no')" ><img src="../../../../Catalyst/images/logo.gif" alt="" border=0></a></div>.<br />
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You click on n image and it it is supposed to load the page in a new non-resizable window. It seems to work on my computer in IE, but you can resize the window on friends computers. Thanks for any help.<!--content-->I've Tried my luck at this question as well and had no success. Any help would be Immensely appreciated.<!--content-->2 things you can try (because I'm not sure which one works)<br />
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noresize=yes<br />
resizable=0<br />
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But one of those will work for IE. Please in the same place you have your 'resize=0'.<br />
Good luck<!--content-->Sorry, Ian. I told him to post it in website review. Thanks for the help. We will see if that works.<!--content-->Thank you. It seemed to work. Check it out for your self at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. I just viewed my site on another PC and there seems to be a line between two frames on the main site. Can any one help me out here. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. Also is there a way to close a window after you click on a link? i.e. the splash page to the main page? Thanks<!--content-->First, I would shrink the window a bit. Try making it width=750,height=520. Next, Try and add FrameBorder=0 to all the Frame srcs. That should get rid of the line. Lastly, Try putting this in the <a href=> of the index page: onclick=window.close(Title of page you want to close). Not sure if it will work but its worth a try.<!--content-->I tried both, and they didnt work :(<!--content-->Try using valign="top" in your td tags with the rowspan. IE:<br />
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<td rowspan="20" valign="top"> Do it to both of them. This should solve your first problem.<br />
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This is in the page where your menu is, it should solve the space in the top of it and the frame above it.<!--content-->Hey thanks! I think that fixed it, you guys can check too. (I dont have a pc.) One more thing. There are three frames. When you click on a button it displays a new page in the main frame (the black part). I want it to also display a little picture of text saying where you in the top frame. So when you click on the "news" button, it will load the news page in the main frame and the little picture in the top frame. If this is possbile I would love some help/ Thanks guys.<!--content-->