website in multi resolutions


What I am trying to do is a website that can be seen in both 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions.<br />
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Any suggestions on where to start or a good method for working ?<br />
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E.g. I am currently working on a 800x600 website. So, I have the layouts and images.<br />
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Now, I need to make another lot of layouts and images for the 1024x768 version ?<br />
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So this means I have in fact 2 complete websites ?<br />
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This sounds quite wasteful of time and resources to me. Is there no way I can make my 800x600 layout to scale proportionately if a 1024x768 user looks at the site ? I cannot use tables with 100% width because my images distort. <br />
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Thanks for any help as I am quite new to actual html stuff.<br />
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Toot<!--content-->If images are your problem, you could perhaps create different images for each resolution and call an onload function to change them on the fly using javascript (according to the users screen res). That way you'll need only one html file with tables set to a percentage.<br />
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Change your images with something like this:<br />
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<br />
//check for screen resolution<br />
function (setImageSize){<br />
if (screen.width==800) {<br />
document.getElementById("imageID").src = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->"imageName_800";<br />
} <br />
else {<br />
document.getElementById("imageID").src="imageName_1024";<br />
}<br />
}<br />
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-Allan<!--content-->read this<br />
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