website help please!


hey,<br />
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I've got my new site online at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> but was wondering if there is a way i can have the site centered in the screen at 1024x768 resolution. At 800x600 it fills the whole screen horizontally, but at 1024x768 i just want it to be centered. Is it possible to do this or would i just have to make two versions of the site, one at 800x600 and one at 1024x768.<br />
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Also, any suggestions to achieve a more professional look to the site would be good, and can you recomend any graphics programs to allow me to create some professional looking images and logos that i can d/l from the internet rather than buying from a shop.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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Chris.<!--content-->The best way to centre your page is to put another table around the outside of all your content, with one row and one column. Then you just need to use <table align="center">.<br />
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Nice site by the way, and nice to meet someone quite local to me! I'm from Brighton.<br />
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If you haven't already, you might want to post your site in the Website Review forum for some ideas on improving it.<!--content-->A list of errors to fix (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->).<br />
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Add type="text/javascript" to all <script> tags.<br />
Hmm, ulink="black" is not correct, ulink does not exist. What is that meant to be? <br />
Add alt="some text" to all <img> tags.<br />
Check for missing </b> in a link, and check nesting of other tags in the code.<br />
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All easy stuff. Post agin if you need more help.<!--content-->thanks for the help,<br />
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Goldilocks - thanks, i'll give the centering thing a try next time i have the time. <br />
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Giz - i haven't done the check for errors yet, but i'll get the ones you've suggested sorted out soon.<br />
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chris.<!--content-->You could always just try putting <center> tags around your code also.<br />
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As far as the professional, I'd post your site to the "Website Reveiw" forum and ask for that specific help.<!--content-->try using photoshop to do images, its worringly easy to make professional looking images once you get the hang of it (which is easy coz the net is littered with millions of tutorials) :)<!--content-->