website color scheme tool

Color Schemes (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->hey thats pretty cool, thanks. but to bad it is in a foriegn language. :)<!--content-->Foreign language...? It's in English, except for that 'Qui tacet concentire videtur'.<!--content-->thats cool! cheers for the link<!--content-->Hey Aboveaverage, interesting link - it even let's you see the world through the eyes of colourblind people like me! Anyone else try out the colourblindness thing? To me the Deuteranomaly and Protanomaly versions are only very subtly different from the original. Now, since I know that I am colourblind (I found it out from a school textbook which had an Ishihara plot (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) that I couldn't read) , it's hard for me to tell if that's because they mimic my condition well or it's just that those types of colourblindness only slightly affect your colour perception. I would be interested to hear how they look for everyone else (care though, you might find out that you are colourblind and never knew it - I was 18 when I found out).<br />
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Davois<!--content-->Davois,<br />
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The protonomaly and deuteronomaly versions were very much alike to me, in shades of brown/orange brown, but the original is bright red/dark pink. I have heard that red is one of the colors many color-blind people cannot see; FYI the blue and teal and yellow combinations in original were near to proto. and deutero. versions. Some variation but not nearly as big a change as the red setup. <br />
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I have not considered the impact of colorblindness on internet browsing. What color(s) can't you distinguish well?<!--content-->