website advice and review


My site is on msn I used html and pasted the code on my page. It would'nt accept the background code or colors. Is there another way it can accept colors and backgrounds? I am still working on it.It is a free site that gives you the tools to work with,but you can use html. I did but, it wouldnt accept all the code. Thank you bubumarms<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I don't exactly understand what your problem is. The background colors look like they're working to me. (I am using IE5.5) Is this not how you wanted it to look?<br />
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If you explain your problem in a bit more detail I may be able to help.<!--content-->Looks fine in IE 5. No big problems when I look at the code either. MSN should allow client-side HTML.<!--content-->