Website Accessibility Legislation


(Mods feel free to move this - I wasn't sure where to post)<br />
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Does anyone have any experience of creating text-only sites for users with disabilities? Here in the UK the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act will be coming into force from 1st September 2002, which means all educational/government funded sites must comply with these rules.<br />
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This means I've got a lot of work do do in the next few months, creating text-only site versions - I already have print versions of all pages but when I run them through the BOBBY checker loads of errors come up.<br />
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Has anyone got experience of making their pages BOBBY/BETSY compliant? Should I create the pages on the fly with a tool or do them manually?<br />
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Are there similar US standards I should also be checking out?<br />
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More info on what I blabbering on about (I can't even understand myself most of the time) can be found here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->did you read section 508? I have a few on my site here.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Validators</a><!-- m --><br />
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and I think our resident monkey went through something like this<!--content-->Thanks for the pointers Scoutt :D<!--content-->