WebServices behaving differently in iPhone Application and WebApplication?


New Member
I am developing an iPhone application where i need to get the data using Webservices. Unfortunately and surprisingly my webservices seems to behave differently with the same url link both in WebApplication and iPhone. I am using the below mentioned method to get the response from the webservice. urlLink is the link that i am passing to the below mentioned method.\[code\]NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlLink];NSMutableURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad timeoutInterval:60];NSData *returnData = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10819260/[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:urlRequest returningResponse:nil error:nil];//responseData = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];NSLog(@"The data contains..%@",returnData);responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:returnData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];\[/code\]In the responseString i am supposed to get all the xml data. I have some nodes in my XML that are not getting accessed and in the responseString i am not getting some of the nodes. But when i use the same url and try to check the same in the Web i am getting all the nodes. My XMl looks something like \[code\]<Response> <Switchflag>Y</Switchflag> <Assignflag>Y</Assignflag> <Notesflag>N</Notesflag> <Examflag>Y</Examflag> <Bookmarkflag>N</Bookmarkflag> <Chatflag>N</Chatflag> <Discussflag>Y</Discussflag> <Lessoncompletestatus>N</Lessoncompletestatus> <Coursedesc>Customer Service Skills Introduction</Coursedesc> <Switchvariablefield1>0</Switchvariablefield1> <Cmailflag>N</Cmailflag> <IMailflag>N</IMailflag> <Imsflag>Y</Imsflag> <Alternatecourse/> <Collaborativetoolflag>0</Collaborativetoolflag> <Chatlink/> <Calendarlink/> <VideoDuration>6:51</VideoDuration> <Difficulty>Easy</Difficulty> <PassingScore>80</PassingScore> <MaxAttempts>100</MaxAttempts></Response>\[/code\]Later i have changed my xml and then added two more nodes \[code\]<TotalQuestions>28</TotalQuestions> <VideoID>8</VideoID>\[/code\]to my xml. Now in my responseString i am not getting the above mentioned two nodes. I am not able to find any alternative on this. I have tried to clear my browser cache and cleaned my build but i was getting the same old xml with two nodes missing.Moreover i tried to change the string encoding types but it was of no use. Any suggestion or alternative on this would be of great help?