WebServer which sends an XML

I have to implement a WebServer using SOAP which sends a XML file to the client (the XML file is generated dynamically). I have been googleing and I have seen different alternatives but I do not know with one is the best alternative and consumes less bandwidth (less bytes transmitted).
  • To send the XML file as a string (defined in the WSDL).
  • To Zip the XML and send it as a byte[] (defined in the WSDL)
  • To serialize the XML by using the binaryFormater and send it as base64 (defined in the WSDL).
  • To include it as CDATA (I think that this only works if the webserver receives the XML but it does not work if the XML is the output of the WS).
As I have to send a XML file and SOAP messages are XML also I think that it should be a efficient way to do it, with is the best alternative? Is there any better option that I have not mention?Thank u in advance