Webserver Security


Staff member
I have a .net app existing on a web server. The app reads in xml data from application folders and displays reports,xls,pdf,etc based on userid. A separate desktop application exists by a user who has shared access to the web folders where the reports reside only. This desktop app pushes and pulls xml files to the webserver reports folder. Is this a secure architecture? Any ideas on if it needs improvement? Thank you in advance for any ideas!
mcrpdsIf I understand you correctly, you have a directory (report directory) on a web server in which you grant read/write access to users so that their desktop applications can create reports and save the reports to the report directory.

If this is correcty, then I would suggest that you create a web service which has read/write access to the report folder. When the user's desktop app creates a report, instead of saving directly to the report folder, pass the report to the web service and have the web service save the file to the report directory. This will allow you to deploy the application without having to grant any special access to the report folder for users.Cstick,
Thanks for the reply, let me try to explain... a client app (desktop) pushes xml files to the webserver via mapped shared drive. He is the only one that has share access to the folder. On the other side is the web app that has access to the folders by default due to the web application. Hope that explains it better. Thanks!