New Member
The overall goal is to perform a search on the following webpage http://www.cma-cgm.com/eBusiness/Tracking/Default.aspx with a container value of CMAU1173561. I have tried two approaches, the php extension cURL and python's mechanized. The php approached involves a performing a POST submit using the input fields found on the page (NOTE: These are really ugly on the asp.net page). The returned page does not contain any of the search results. The second approaches involves using python's mechanize module. In this approach I load the page, select the form, then change the text field ctl00$ContentPlaceBody$TextSearch to the container value. When I load the response again no search results. I am at a really dead end. Any help would be appreciate because as it stands my next step is to become a asp.net expertm which i perfer not to.