webpage without a fixed width or height


How do I make a webpage that does not have a fixed width and height so that it flows with the<br />
window? You know so I dont have to tell the people who visiit my site to turn their monitor to 800 by 600 or turn their monitor to 1024 by 768. I want the webpage to automatically adjust to their monitor/window.<br />
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chris<!--content-->Start with a page that is written in valid HTML 4.01 Strict eschewing the use of tables for layout and then use CSS to control all presentation and layout. See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://glish.com/css/">http://glish.com/css/</a><!-- m --> for some helpful CSS layout tricks.<!--content-->I sometimes use % in my table tags ~ that way your web page 'resizes' itself no matter what the resolution/browser is.<!--content-->