Webpage problem with Netscape Communicator 4.76


Hi,everyone.I started working with HTML to make a webpage a few weeks ago.I wrote the program using MS DOS and site is with my IP.It's "Carolyn's Metal Detecting Corner" and the URL is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dragonbbs.com/members/1586">www.dragonbbs.com/members/1586</a><!-- w --> .Several days ago I submitted the page for approval to a Yahoo webring about treasure hunting and was approved.Each webpage must include a navigation bar,or site would be deleted.I added the following information I received from the webmaster: <script language=javascript src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://ss.webring.yahoo. com/navbar?f=j&y=silverqueen43113&u=99445307610044327"></script><br />
After addition of above,all I could see was one line of the bar when I checked final copy on my Netscape Communicator 4.76 browser.I have java script enabled,reloaded the page,cleared the cache and still could not view the essential part required for navigation.I contacted the webmaster,who said he could see the entire bar.I learned last night that if I view my page through Explorer 5.0 it does work.But,anyone trying to navigate with Netscape browser can't see the whole link.Can someone please help me to correct this problem.Thanks.<!--content-->The java script code looks good to me, but I see in your HTML code there are three body tags,<br />
<br />
<BODY><br />
<Body BGCOLOR=#FFFFCC><br />
<BODY TEXT=#660000><br />
<br />
combine them into one tag:<br />
<br />
<br />
and see if that helps, probably not but give it a try. Don't use multiple body tags, the browser is only going to execute the last one loaded (I think).<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Kevin,thanks for a prompt reply.I followed your suggestion about combining the tags.Unfortunately, that didn't correct the problem,but it was worth a try.I've heard of quirks between browsers,some things are viewable with one and not the other,but not knowing much about HTML am not sure what's going on here.Regards from Carolyn.<!--content-->Try placing the code in there again, making sure you're using a text editor with word wrap off. Javascripts don't like word wrap. When I put it in a sample page on a single continuous line, I could see it in Netscape 4.<!--content-->Thank you so much,Zenyenta.I changed the script message to fit on a single line and now it works!!To create my page I've been using a friend's pe2 editor program on MS DOS.It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a lot of other editing programs,but so far it's been getting the job done for me.I'm going to Download <!--more--> the HTML Kit program and see what I can do with it.Again,your help is very much appreciated.Regards from Carolyn.<!--content-->You're welcome. Very glad to have been of assistance.<!--content-->