webpage centered?


Ok, I was hoping that I can get some help here. I want to set all my pages in the center and out. Like when you maximize the window it'll look centered still, only bigger.<br> I made a post at VBulletin.com but noone answered and if you take a look at that site you'll see what I mean by having the page centered. Maximize the site there and it will still be centered.<br> Now, take a look at this site...it's not centered not even when you maximize the screen. Anyone know how to accomplish this? I went to HTMLGoodies and tried what it recommended but I'm not getting any results. Please, respond. - Jewel<!--content-->Here's the tip I got from HTMLGoodies.....<br />
<br />
Tip Thirteen: Force your page's width. <br />
<br />
Remember that computer monitors can have many different settings. This plays havoc with Web pages. Use the TABLE method below to force your page to stay within certain parameters. I do this by placing every page inside one large table cell set to a specific width. Here's the code:<br />
<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE></TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
<CENTER><br />
<TABLE WIDTH="80%" BORDER="0"><br />
<TD><br />
<br />
****Content of page goes here****<br />
<br />
</TD><br />
</TABLE><br />
</CENTER><br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
<br />
I choose 80% as my width. That leaves a nice 10% border on either side of the page because I centered the table cell. It also sets the text perfectly inside each window setting. Nothing rolls off of the side. Smaller screen setting might shmoosh the text a bit, but that's trade-off I am willing to make. You'll never get perfection every time.<!--content-->Jewel,<br />
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Can you post a URL so I can see what your working with? I don't know if your using tables or not..., but if so try the code below. As you expand the screen, it expands he table size. I just added the align=center inside the table tag. <br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Untitled</title><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<table align=center width="75%" height="75%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1 bgcolor=blue><br />
<tr><br />
<td>&nbsp;</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
</body><br />
</html><!--content-->Thanks for responding Dr.Web. :)<br />
<br />
Here's the URL I'm working on. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.vixens-lair.com">http://www.vixens-lair.com</a><!-- m --> but go to this page to see the table I entered like you suggested above ... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.vixens-lair.com/VixensTerms.html">http://www.vixens-lair.com/VixensTerms.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
The table worked out great. Even when i maximized the screen. The only problem is that the pics and text didn't expand along with the table. It just stayed where they are set. Maybe I have to make the table first then re-enter all the other stuff? Thanks for the help, at least I'm getting somewhere. I just made a Swish movie for the Introduction page and when I viewed it on a desktop it was HUGE. I do most of my work on the laptop and now I'm going to have to make everything smaller so those users with 800 by 600 screen resoltuion can view it properly. I keep forgetting mine's 1024 by 768 grrrrr...<!--content-->Jewel,<br />
<br />
Ok, I took a closer look at the page.......and, maybe you should sit down for this one.<br />
<br />
You used Frontpage to create the pages, correct? The first, and foremost problem I see is when I try to view the pages in Netscape4.7 they are ..not quite what you were going for.<br />
<br />
You see, FrontPage is a Microsoft product, which codes exclusively for microsoft internet explorer. Your not going to get a clean layout using Frontpage. There are other WYSIWYG editors which do a much better job than FP. (I suggest Dreamweaver (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.macromedia.com">http://www.macromedia.com</a><!-- m -->))<br />
<br />
Second: you have all sorts of div's with alignment set inside them....so the table DOES expand, but you have asked the images to go to their assigned places (all left aligned).<br />
<br />
Finally: Your layout is quite large. It takes a long time to load (lots of pics, large pics, animated gifs), and I can scroll what seems like three page lengths down (I am viewing in 1200X780). I'd suggest page sizes of no more than one and a half screen height. <br />
<br />
My thought was this: Why not keep your site up...as-is for now. Why not try your hand at another editor apart from FP, and you might see that some of these problems will fix themselves. Your always welcome to ask questions along the way.... and the forum members are quite savvy in all things web.<!--content-->Dr.Web, thanks doctor! I'm going to Download <!--more--> Dreamweaver right now and I'll get back to you soon with a new page. I'll keep the current one up and compared the two later. First, I have to email my server to see if it supports Dreamweaver's extensions. Wish me luck!<!--content-->I doubt you'll need dreamweaver's extensions for what your doing....<!--content-->