webpage appearance


I built a website with my monitor setting on 1024 by 768 and now when people goto my site and they have their monitor set on 800 by 600 they say they are not seeing some of the web page ( parts of the webpage cut off) my question is what do i have to do so when users of 1024 by 768 and users of 800 by 600 visit my site they can see the entire site?<br />
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chris<!--content-->Just go your whole site in %'s instead of pixles. Like <table width="100%"> That resises it to 100% of the pages width. If someone at different resolution comes in it will get wider or smaller depending on that users resolution.<!--content-->yes that is correct<!--content-->you can see scroll bar at 800 by 600 monitor setting. i dont want that<!--content-->Originally posted by chriscam19 <br />
you can see scroll bar at 800 by 600 monitor setting. i dont want that <br />
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Um you are not leaving a link to your webpage. How should we visit it to see what you mean? :confused:<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
A moderator removed the link because it was for a site containing objectionable material.<br />
Dave <br />
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Ahh ok. Thanks<!--content-->Being careful with the size rates...On my site which you can get to from my profile, Is not viewable in anyway with WEB TV.<br />
I am making a new page for webbies. But the fact is you really need to watch that. I am not even sure of the web tv dimensions....<!--content-->