I am wanting to create a web form, but I do not want to use a data grid.<BR><BR>What is the best solution for my problem?, I want to have WebForm TEXT controls and drop downs. Am I suppose to do as I did with ASP create a database connection in code, and then create a sql statement and then manually populate the fields with the current values from the database?<BR><BR>Or am I suppose to use another method that more automates the process. Again I do not want a DataGrid..<BR><BR>All the samples seem to be everything but the standard data entry methods..<BR><BR>I want to read existing data, and update it. Add new records etc..<BR><BR>Are there some samples with best practices available for what I am wanting?<BR><BR>Have you looked into using the repeater object? Check it this website for great informtion.<BR><BR>http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/aspplus/doc/webdatalist.aspx