Web site reads fine on my computer but not on others


I created a web page d2homebusiness.com. The text right of orange vertical line, overlaps the orange line when my online friends veiw my page. On my computer there is no overlap and everything is "perfect". I viewed site using MSIE6 and AOL 8.0. Can someone view my source and give me some advice? Yes Im a newbie. Any help is greatly appreciated!<br />
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:rolleyes:<!--content-->Looks fine to me. No overlapping text at all.<br />
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I'm using Galeon (A Mozilla clone) on Redhat Linux, and my stuff usually looks like crap. I have to debug my own site with IE, b/c that's what 99% of my viewers use. It's a pain.<br />
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NOTE:<br />
If I blow my font up to about 300%, there's some overlapping. How good is your friends eyesight?<!--content-->You can see the overlapping by reducing (dragging) the window width.<br />
It's due to the table layout!<br />
The left hand column needs to have a fixed width (putting width="190" doesn't work)<br />
Change this line:<br />
<tbody><tr><td valign="top" align="center"><img height="100" width="133" hspace="23" src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Work%20at%20Home%20%20Discover%20How%20to%20Earn%20Extra%20Cash_files/d2-2.gif"><br><br><br><hr><br><br><br><br />
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note the addition of image width and hspace<br />
Try making the layout without tables, you will have more conrtol.<!--content-->Thanks Fang & GaijinPunch. I really appreciate your comments. You guys are great! <br />