My basic question is, can I build a web service without the .NET framework? Can they exist in an NT4 environment? When I reference the SOAP objects in my VB ActiveX DLL, does the dll contain those objects or reference them from its host server? These may seem like silly questions, but I have them none-the-less and I appreciate in advance any clarity on them. I would be happy to provide any "Oracle" with more detailed questions...the answer is, "yes" - you can build a web service without .net<BR><BR>unfortunately, i'm not the one to tell you how (because i honestly have never tried it without .net)<BR><BR>however, i have used classic asp to access web services that i built in - and that i accomplished using soap (and rope)<BR><BR>here are a few articles that may help point you in the right direction:<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> "client" webpage POSTS a parameter in XML form (xml data contains two numbers as shown below) to a "server" webpage.<BR><BR><param><num1>1</num1><num2>2</num2></param><BR><BR>the "server" webpage then reads the XML parameter and adds the two numbers(num1 and num2) and writes the result in a "server" results webpage. the result is written in an "XML page" (contenttype="text/html")<BR><BR><result>3</result><BR><BR>the "client" webpage gets the result thru XMLHTTP...<BR>now my question is... is this what we can call a Web Service? <BR>if your answer is yes..<BR><BR>1. why do we need to use SOAP envelopes if simple XML data can be used?<BR>2. Why was the .NET platform hyped with regards to Web Services development when this can be achieved using Classic ASP<BR><BR><BR>thanks all. <BR><BR>The answer lies in what can be achieved with development tools. I assume you haven't used the either VS.NET Beta yet? Give it a try and then you will see the advantage. You can create a reference to a web service and the IDE will automatically create porxy classes (etc.) allowing you to use the web service writing even just one line of code.<BR>