Web Safe Colour?


Most graphics applications I've got make a big deal about web safe colour but the web safe pallette is very limiting. Considering the graphics capabilities of modern computers, am I right in thinking that web safe belongs to the past?<!--content-->McG,<br />
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Unfortunately, no. The problem is that different browsers display colors differently. The only ones we can depend on being displayed properly are the web-safe ones. To be honest, there are still LOTS of older monitors out there, too.<br />
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Hope that helps.<br />
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Aronya1<br />
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ps Love your commercials.<!--content-->Its actually safe to assume that most people use atleast 16 bit colors. I still use web safe colors for my banners, buttons etc. But the pictures/photos that I put, are hardly safe :)<br />
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I found this article series very informative.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/00/37/index2a.html">http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/00/37/index2a.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks guys for your replies - especially that very informative web monkey link. Sorry I should have checked there first duh! : )<br />
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I've never had problems with bigger pallettes in the (limited) testing I've done but it's really good to get a detailed tech reference.<!--content-->Originally posted by Aronya1 <br />
there are still LOTS of older monitors out there, too.<br />
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Heh, there sure are, and I own one. 640x480 is the best it can do, with only 256 colors, and it's 'missing' blue. (Blue looks black. Thus making bright pink red...) I had to put up with it for three or four months when my montor broke. (Thank you power company, during off the power in the middle of a sunny day! :o ) (You can only begin to imagine what it's like... going from 32 bit to 256 and back...)<!--content-->