Web Project


OK...if you didnt read my "New Here" post...i have be given an interesting little project at my new job

The website that is in place needs serious help....need to look professional and the search needs to be worked on...

the site is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ihplan.com">www.ihplan.com</a><!-- w -->

we currently have the site hosted with a local company and i have limits as to what i can work on.
The platform is MS Server 03
SQL server 2k

basically i have been given the project to redo the entire site.
as stated in my other post, Im a novice/bennginer webdev but am eagered and willin to learn. Problem is that Iwould like to get something out soon.

the serach is what really stumps me....its a SQL db search...the data is imported i from an access db they use inhouse
if you pull up the site u can see the search is abit limitled and slow

anyadvise will come highly apprecaited!!! :)
i've looked online for scripts and generators but i think im goin out this the wrong way.
also anyadvise to streamlin my page dev will be good too....netobjects fusion is a app i was thinkin of tryin but will this work well vs othersIf you can tell us what server side language you are using on the website, I can move this thread to the appropriate forum so you'll get more attention. I'd assume if it's IIS, then you're using ASP or perhaps ASP.net?yes....its currently aspx....the reason i posted under general is im not sure if asp or asp.net is the best easiest route for me
thanks :)Well, aspx is ASP.NET, isn't it? Which is good since .Net is the way Microsoft is moving, there won't be any new ASP versions; it's all .Net now. Let's try your luck in the .Net forum.