\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">$(function() { var total_tabs = 0; // initialize first tab total_tabs++; addtab(total_tabs); $("#addtab, #litab").click(function() { total_tabs++; $("#tabcontent p").hide(); addtab(total_tabs); return false; }); function addtab(count) { var closetab = '<a href="" id="close'+count+'" class="close">×</a>'; $("#tabul").append('<li id="t'+count+'" class="ntabs">Tab '+count+' '+closetab+'</li>'); $("#tabcontent").append('<p id="c'+count+'">Tab Content '+count+'</p>'); $("#tabul li").removeClass("ctab"); $("#t"+count).addClass("ctab"); $("#t"+count).bind("click", function() { $("#tabul li").removeClass("ctab"); $("#t"+count).addClass("ctab"); $("#tabcontent p").hide(); $("#c"+count).fadeIn('slow'); }); $("#close"+count).bind("click", function() { // activate the previous tab $("#tabul li").removeClass("ctab"); $("#tabcontent p").hide(); $(this).parent().prev().addClass("ctab"); $("#c"+count).prev().fadeIn('slow'); $(this).parent().remove(); $("#c"+count).remove(); return false; }); }});</script>\[/code\]\[quote\] Web for open in new tab with closing button dynamically using jQuery. Here new tab open but web form not open in new tab. I want that web form open in new tab with closing button using jQuery. Would you suggest what should i do.\[/quote\]