Web designing- JavaScript/HTML question?


New Member
In professional web pages such as yahoo, deezer, etc, <br />
the background is not streched, it is divided to small parts.<br />
When i RightClick on the background and choose save background as, i'm actually downloading a small piece<br />
of the background and not all of it. <br />
<br />
how can i do this? how can i make my bg divided not to tables?<br />
<br />
thank you!<br />


New Member
Advanced photo editing tools like photo shop offer a facility called image slicing. Using this this you can slice your picture as you see in profesional websites


New Member
This will give you the repeated background image and a table without the image.body background=images/main-bg.gifbrtable bgcolor=#ffff00 align=centertrtdthis is where text goes and the background is whatever color br
(yellow in this casebr/td/tr/table/body


New Member
Doing it to this website will give you a light gray, not really, but actually white and gray combinded with a nine pixel image with greey and white dots evenly distrbuted, repeating that image by doing the code below will give you the desired effect.body style='background url(image-URL.jpeg);'