Web Designers Feedback Needed


We are considering implementing a VAR-only (Value Added Reseller) program exclusively to web designers to market our web tools. This will be an easy to implement program which will give web designers the ability to offer their customers dynamic, user maintainable Link Pages, Event Calendars, Article Pages, Announcement Pages and FAQ Pages (for a profit of course).<br />
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We need your input in order to make a sound decision (to convert from a customer-centric business model to a VAR-centric one). Please see the details here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dropinwebtools.com/VarDetails.php">http://www.dropinwebtools.com/VarDetails.php</a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks<!--content-->Originally posted by QuantumSoul <br />
We are considering implementing a VAR-only (Value Added Reseller) program exclusively to web designers to market our web tools. This will be an easy to implement program which will give web designers the ability to offer their customers dynamic, user maintainable Link Pages, Event Calendars, Article Pages, Announcement Pages and FAQ Pages (for a profit of course). <br />
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Quantum, speaking as an Internet marketer myself, I do think you will be severely limiting your sales potential to go the exclusive-VAR route. The only good reason I can think to do that would be if you want to free yourselves completely from support issues by having the VARs take care of all that. And will they? In the absence of a concerted training program for VARs (which most won't want to know about) this is a blueprint that rarely works satisfactorily these days. Letting someone else (other than an accredited contractor) handle your support is fraught with danger.<br />
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From a sales potential perspective, and so long as you are willing to do whatever is necessary to provide *superlative* support yourselves, why not allow EVERYONE to sell your products?<br />
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I'm talking of course about setting up an Affiliate program. A few very aggressive professional affiliates will do much more for you (sales-figures-wise) than Web Designers whose SECONDARY CONCERN (at best) will be the selling of your products.<br />
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As one who was a Consultant, Developer & VAR for 15 years, I have no hesitation in suggesting that a properly set up and managed Affiliate program is the most powerful sales organization you can possibly have. You'll also be pleasantly surprised at the way your Cost Of Sales plummets.<br />
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If you are not familiar with Internet Marketing in general and the Affiliate scenario in particular, a very good place to start would be to purchase Cory Rudl's excellent course "The Insider Secrets to Marketing your Business on the Internet". Here's a shortcut: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://zedatron.com/MarketingTips">http://zedatron.com/MarketingTips</a><!-- m -->. />
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It's an 1,100+ pages goldmine, and will give you all the information you need to successfully market your products on the Internet.<br />
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The same company also has the best tools for creating and managing an Affiliate organization. See details at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://zedatron.com/MarketingTips/AssocTrack.asp">http://zedatron.com/MarketingTips/AssocTrack.asp</a><!-- m -->. />
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Hope this is of some help.<br />
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Best regards,<!--content-->