Web-Counters? Where can i get a good one?


Staff member
Where can i get a good one? I just want it to show the number of visitors that the site gets? I have one but its an icon and when you click on it..it takes you to a new page that shows you the page traffic info. But i don't want that? Can anyone please paste a URL to one that YOU KNOW WORKS! I don't want links back to source or any ICONS..just the numbers! Thank You!:) ;) :D<!--content-->www.hotscripts.com and pick you serverside language that you want to work with<!--content-->I use <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bravenet.com">http://www.bravenet.com</a><!-- m --><br />
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Lets you know how people found your site and lots of other info, you just have to set it to disallow users from viewing the stats, if they click the icon it takes them to a password page and thats as far as they can get.<!--content-->