I would like to specify where the temporary ASP.NET files are stored. I think that the tempDirectory attribute in the web.config file is used to control this, but I get the following error when the application starts: <BR><BR>Failed to create temporary files directory 'C:InetpubwwwrootAcmeStore emp
ootd445682bd672519d'. Access denied. <BR><BR>I have given the aspnet_wp user full control of the folder I am creating, so it seems to me like it should have sufficient permissions. My web.config file looks like this: <BR><BR><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <BR><configuration> <BR> <system.web> <BR> <compilation <BR> debug="true" <BR> defaultLanguage="vb" <BR> explicit="true" <BR> strict="true" <BR> tempDirectory="C:InetpubwwwrootAcmeStore emp"> <BR> </compilation> <BR> </system.web> <BR></configuration> <BR><BR>Anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
ootd445682bd672519d'. Access denied. <BR><BR>I have given the aspnet_wp user full control of the folder I am creating, so it seems to me like it should have sufficient permissions. My web.config file looks like this: <BR><BR><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <BR><configuration> <BR> <system.web> <BR> <compilation <BR> debug="true" <BR> defaultLanguage="vb" <BR> explicit="true" <BR> strict="true" <BR> tempDirectory="C:InetpubwwwrootAcmeStore emp"> <BR> </compilation> <BR> </system.web> <BR></configuration> <BR><BR>Anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance.