Web Banner


How do I setup a full width banner on the top of my page that fits the width of the page no matter the resulution so that it doesn't create a bottom scroll bar??<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->put the width in percentage.<!--content-->Originally posted by Mark <br />
put the width in percentage. <br />
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But remember that it will stretch and distort the image so it would be best to make it fit the width of the lowest resolution that it is likely to be viewed on and then it won't be big enough to create a horizontal scrollbar.<!--content-->Do you think it would be better to seperate the logo from the bar and use the bar as a background to a table/cell with percentage of screen and drop the logo inside the cell, that way it doesn't get distorted?<!--content-->yes create a table cell that centers the image, and also uses 100% the width. then the banner will be in the center of the available space.<!--content-->