I would to create a custom action selector.I have successfully done this by extending from \[code\]IControllerConfiguration\[/code\] and \[code\]Attribute\[/code\] however this requires decorating my services with a \[code\][CustomActionAttribute]\[/code\].I want to avoid this. I have a self-hosted web api service and would prefer to plug into \[code\]HttpSelfHostConfiguration\[/code\] eg. I want something like the following.\[code\] new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(baseAddress) .ControllerConfiguration .Add(new CustomActionAttribute())\[/code\]The above code is non working, but it describes the idea that I'm trying to get to. I haven't seen any example to this extent or one that shows the right injection point to set the custom \[code\]IControllerConfiguration\[/code\].Please help.