We want to ad a manga reader to our forum


New Member
Like I said we are hoping to add a manga reader to our vb 3.7.2 forum and are at a loss as to how to do this. Does anyone know of or have designed a hack that can be added for this? We have seen readers set up on other forums, just not on any vb ones that we know of. Hopefully it might be a challenge a designer might be up for, at least here's hoping that it is. I have been playing with the idea of using some kind of gallery modification that can have size restrictions removed and set up to view in a page to page format. We just haven't had any luck in finding anything that might fit the bill. I hope this is the right place to ask for help with this. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
well good luck with that i want the same thing and firts is really expensive, 'cuz you will need a dedicated server trust me a shared server will kick you out, also you will need that the mangas are automatically added when you upload the folder throught ftp and also if you plan to use your style to contain theimagen you will need a full screen style and also patience users that will wait all of that to load, I'm trying to make a script for all this in a near future when i got the money for the dedicated server, but is an ambisious project, i don't think someone here will do it for free, well any way cya
We have our own dedicated server, so that won't be an issue. Shouldn't be too much lag problem with the speed of our server either way. Anyhow, I can still hope someone will be willing to try their hand at it.