We are excited to announce our new affiliate program!


As an affiliate you will receive $1 of the revenue generated everytime someone places a web hosting order through a link from your site.

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is an important method of expanding your online business. The way an affiliate program works is as follows: A visitor to your site decides to check our site out so they click on that banner or text link. At that moment our software mentain a session on our Server and "catches" your unique affiliate email ID from your site. Then when that visitor places an order our software uses that email ID to award the appropriate commissions. All you need to do is place our banners on your web site with appropriate link, no registration form, no waiting for approvals! It's simple and it's easy.

More details with Banners and link instructions are available at:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dinsol.com/affiliate.php">http://www.dinsol.com/affiliate.php</a><!-- m -->

About Dinsol.com:
Dinsol.com : leading provider of managed Web site and resellers hosting, e-commerce hosting with free ssl facility, multiple domain name hosting and dedicated servers. Free services included, PHP4, CGI/Perl, MySQL, WHM/cPanel, SSL, POP3, WebMail, SMTP etc

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