.wav help

I was thinking of putting a sound in the background of my page but it seems to take too long to load. My wav file is 14 sec and 1.21 mb in size. is there a way to condense this or a way to change ext so that it wont be so large?<br />
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thanks<br />
war<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
It takes special software to convert one audio format to another.<br />
You can change a WAV compression in the RECORDER accessory that comes with Windows.<br />
and they can't be compressed.<br />
You can change to a compressed format using the accessory mentioned above. When you select the 8-bit mono format at 8khz rate, you get G.711 (mu-law) compression. A 64k file will run for 8 seconds. So, the 14 second WAV would take 115k. Of course it won't sound quite as good as it used to...<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
To me, that is not truly a compression. True compression should be accompanied by the ability to expand the data to the original format without loss of quality.<br />
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Dave [/B] <br />
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:confused: <br />
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MP3 throws out 80% or more of the original data that you will NEVER get back.<br />
Likewise JPG images are also discarding information that you cannot later get back.<br />
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Are you saying you don't consider JPG to be an image compressing format and that you are confused about how MP3 works?<!--content-->I'd define web compression as the running of a data set through an algorithm that reduces; the space required to store, or the bandwidth required to transmit the data set.<br />
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Obviously the two common forms of image compression are Lossless and Lossy.<!--content-->Since listening to some of you guys comments is like trying to understand opera written in greek, I'll just say this...<br />
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You guys all have offered much to my ponder and I appreciate your time. You guys are ALL great! I'd be lost at times without you. I did change/compress the file a bit in windows recorder and it cut it all the way down to 100K which is tolerable, especially with this command:<br />
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<EMBED autostart="False" SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Myfile.wav"><br />
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Worked great and I learned something. That's the ultimate goal anyway right... success and learning.<br />
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You guys take care and thanks for all the help!<br />
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War<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark<br />
merely reducing the effective sampling rate ... resulting in a loss of quality?<br />
FWIW, when you change a WAV file to 8-bit, it *does* compress the file from 16-bit linear to 8-bit PCM. The uncompression is done by a CODEC on playback. You could take that same file and uncompress it using Sound Recorder, but you would not have the same answer as the original - you would have distortion. In fact, you have distortion comparing the playback of the original file and the compressed file. Loss of information = loss of playback quality. It just depends on how much you can stand.<br />
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How many people would record "White Christmas" from an old 78 RPM record and put it on the web in 44khz 16-bit stereo (probably a lot - they wouldn't know the difference)? :-)<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
Gilbert, what is that?<br />
From Webopedia.com:<br />
CODEC - Short for compressor/decompressor, a codec is any technology for compressing and decompressing data. Codecs can be implemented in software, hardware, or a combination of both.<br />
In Windows, you can see examples of software CODECs listed under Control Panel/Multimedia/Devices/Audio Compression Codecs and Video Compression Codecs. There are a lot of algorithms, especially for speech compression. They are important for things like Net2Phone, NetMeeting, Video Conferencing and so forth, when it is important to limit digital bandwidth.<br />
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I don't know how much more you want (or care) to know. I've been working with digital audio for several years, mostly with ISDN and T1 links.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark why can't you butt out of other people's conversations?<br />
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Becuse this is an open webforum not a private conversation and you manage to time after time state things that are incorrect.<br />
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I also point out when I see other people being incorrect, you just happen to fall into that cathegory above the average poster.<!--content-->I have a few questions related to Internet music, so I guess I'll ask them here rather than open a new topic:<br />
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1) Is the ability of a music file to be played directly from a page rather than Download <!--more-->ed dependant on their file type, the way they are implemented w/ HTML, or both?<br />
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2) If #1 is their file type, what file types will play directly from a page?<!--content-->I have a .wav file that play beautifully when I click on it from explorer (not IE). When I include the following code in a table on a web page, it never plays when I click on the link. What in the world am I doint wrong?<!--content-->Sorry, I left out the code. I just converted the .wav to a .mp3 and it doesn't play either. <br />
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<tr><br />
<td><center><A HREF=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"C:/My Download <!--more--> Files/PuerNatusEstNobis.mp3">Puer Natus Est Nobis</A></center></td><br />
</tr><!--content-->You cannot stream a pure file MP3 directly from a web connection normally you have to use *.mpu to point to the *.mp3 if you want to stream *.mp3 format.<br />
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QuickTime *.mov format - can be used for soundtracks as well - then that can be considered an example of a format which can be streamed while Download <!--more-->ing, so you don't always have to configure the *.mov file into it's streamable state.<br />
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Happy Christmas<!--content-->Haven't gotten it to the web yet. Just doing it locally right now. <br />
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As for .mp3 and .mpu, I have another page up on the web with a similar link to an .mp3 file that does just great. That's why don't seem to 'get it' with this. I was making up a Christmas card, planning to just mail the link out to everybody and on the page have a link for them to click to get the music or not. People at work don't want sudden Christmas carols playing loudly when they are supposed to be working ;>).<br />
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Do I need to have the .html and the .mp3 in the same directory? That doesn't seem necessary when the whole path is in the statment.<br />
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HELP!!!<br />
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Thanks,<br />