Warning for Dark_Fox2009: Insulted Other Member(s)


New Member
Post: BlueFox Lightend v2!
User: Dark_Fox2009
Infraction: Insulted Other Member(s)
Points: 0

Administrative Note:
Warning Issued

Message to User:
You have been told not to harass members and also not to Harass TrainerScape. I will say agin if you dont like his posts or him ignore him. If there is a violation then report him but stop taking it upon yourself to scold him.

Next violation I send to the SuperMod and let them deal with you.

Original Post:
u didnt rip it, u did it yourself..hmm....u fail at mopar and u fail on here. Taking credits for works thats not yours...
Ive been nice and even said to him a couple of tiems to quite his shit but he just didnt learn.... so some are stuborn enought they wont learn until they get smacked....but I bet he will do it again then I send up the ladder to yeah all.....

if I smoked I would LOL =)