want XML data(respose data) in chunkes(in range/part)(I m using http4e)


New Member
in my application, i m getting response in xml format from API. It is going out of range.it has max. limit 200. when i get response server gives me max 200, if data is in next 200 then what can i do? I want to filter it.And here is my code i am using _\[code\]map.put("limit","200"); MultivaluedMap formData = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12685177/new MultivaluedMapImpl(); Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry) it.next(); if ((pairs.getValue() != null)) { if (!(pairs.getValue().equals("null"))) { formData.add(pairs.getKey(), pairs.getValue()); } } }ClientResponse response = webResource.queryParams(formData).accept(config.getResponseType()).header(SystemConstants.ADMIN_PARAM_KEY, config.getAdminId()).header(compID, compId).header(adminID,compPwd).get(ClientResponse.class); \[/code\]then how can i check my data in 200 or if not in that then it fire and get next response?can anybody help to resolve this problem? plzz & tnk you.