Want to know all the assigned CSS to an element


New Member
Hii I have a blog and I want to add an element the same one can see at http://css-tricks.com/ footer ( When U scroll down will see a paragraph written about Codepen and ShopTalk) I want to add that to my blog's footer I have the HTML but I don't know what CSS to add.The HTML I have is \[code\]<div class="bottom-footer-part footer-codepen"> <a class="footer-logo" href="http://codepen.io"> <img alt="CodePen Logo" src="http://cdn.css-tricks.com/wp-content/themes/CSS-Tricks-10/images/footer-logo-codepen.png"> </a> <p> <a href="http://codepen.io"> CodePen </a> is a social code playground for web designers and developers. Build demos, find inspiration, or troubleshoot code. With <a href="http://blog.codepen.io/documentation/pro-features/">CodePen PRO</a> you can teach students, pair program, host files, and more! </p></div><div class="bottom-footer-part footer-shoptalk"> <a class="footer-logo" href="http://shoptalkshow.com"> <img alt="ShopTalk Logo" src="http://cdn.css-tricks.com/wp-content/themes/CSS-Tricks-10/images/footer-logo-shoptalk.png"> </a> <p> <a href="http://shoptalkshow.com"> ShopTalk </a> is a podcast about all things web design and development hosted by Dave Rupert and me. The show is recorded live and covers the week in #hotdrama and listener Q&A. </p></div>\[/code\]Please See DO NO Recomment me to use Firebug I have tried but I am unable to find all the CSS assigned.